
Archive for November 20th, 2010

This week Saffia and Elrik explored the amazing region of Seraph City – a beautiful re-creation of a nineteen twenties/thirties American city, with plenty of clubs for parties!

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Saffia also talked to Mayor Pumpkin Tripsa (one of the people behind Seraph City) about the a relatively new form of dieselpunk, which is what the city is all about! It’s a concept where the setting, rather than a dystopian future of cyberpunk, or the steam-driven alternative world of the 19th and 20th century, is actually driven by the diesel engine, and draws on the aesthetic of the 1920s and 1930s. Seraph City, in following this genre, combines the speakeasies and skyscrapers of Prohibition America with the technology found in such media artefacts as Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

And there was also the opportunity to visit some fascinating buildings, such as Miss Breezy Carver’s Carrington Club and Miss Ceejay Writer’s coffee-themed Java Jive – housed in a coffee pot!


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